Join the Earth Odyssey
Sign up and join the journey!


Explore your impact on our land. Discover the importance of recycling, waste reduction, reuse and buying recycled. Learn about trees as a renewable resource, and the importance of tree planting in towns and cities. Think about the things you and others can do to improve the environment in your community.

Then, not only join in this Odyssey, but LEAD the project in your community, school or club! Our goal is to implement the program in 2001 communities around the world!



Take the first step of your Earth Odyssey by accomplishing any of the three Missions. Your Launch Date can coincide with Earth Day (April 22), Arbor Day, Kids F.A.C.E. Day, or as a class project ANY DAY!

Then continue your Earth Odyssey and complete your Odyssey by exploring all three frontiers and service projects.


Earth Odyssey Homepage | Mission: Recycle | Mission: Build | Mission: Plant
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